
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge XI: 6mm Republican Romans Assembling for for duty

Preparation efforts for the AHPC XI are accelerating to a frantic pace here in the Lair.  On the work table getting ready for priming is a good part of my planned Republican Roman army.  All of the figures are from Baccus and there are Romans, plus Italian and Spanish allies.

There will be a lot of 6mm ancients painted during this challenge.  The last time the Baccus cart was opened up in early November, I think I can safely say there were some unwarranted exuberance in the shopping cart.  Somehow over the course of a few days 4 different armies were purchased.  Historical scholars will debate for years on what exactly transpired and if I was lead astray by the wiley Peter Berry and his cunning and diabolical marketing ploy of "superb miniatures for a very reasonable price".  At this point, it's best I do not comment further as my lovely, yet fierce wife does peruse this blog and any statements I make can and will be used against me in a future tribunal.  We live perilous times.

In a addition to said Republican Romans, there other armies to be painted are some Parthians, a Dacian/Sarmatian force and a Successor army with lots and lots of Phalanxes.  

on advice of consul, I can not comment of the prospects of a 5th or 6th army as that does require the Baccus cart to be re-opened.  But there are candidates under review......


  1. Many a wargamer has been corrupted (in a good way) by the subtle message of high-quality at low price whispered in their ear by Baccus. I have been trying to resist the siren call but I fear I won't survive another 'Opening of the Cart'... especially if the wife finds out what I have planned!

  2. Your secret is safe with me Lee. Well safe up until my my wife catches me in the Baccus cart again - then it's right under the bus you go: "Well Lee is doing it too....." Sorry, its a cold world out there

  3. Great work Miles! I had been hoping to join in on the mayhem, but the "cart openings" have proved too elusive.

    I am hoping to join the ancients mayhem somehow, but it will be a different scale.

    Looking forward to the output!!


  4. Good luck. When the time comes for the Phalanxes the grind will truly start. Next year I will paint 540 10mm dudes for the Phalanx.

  5. Looking forwards to seeing what you do.
    The constant inability to order from Baccus has been a good break on any exuberance on my part
