
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Project Stalingrad: Middle Section Done


The middle section of the table is now fully built.  I still need to add some weathering pigments and a few details but I need to order some more and like to let the base terrain fully cure for a few days before weathering.
I like how it came out

Now two pictures from the German table edge - The train station in the lower right corner 
I think the table is shaping up nicely.

When embarking on a project like this, doing some prep-work and planning really makes it easier to accomplish.  I made a mockup of the table in powerpoint which has been used to guide the build out.  The section in today's post is within the "black box" on the chart.  The section to the right was finished a few month ago so all that is left is the roughly 2' x 6' section on the left.

Here's a picture of the right side section
and another one of it all packed up
Just a few weeks ago central Stalingrad looked like this, I'm very happy with the pace of the project.

Once the table is fully built the really fun part of the project starts - scatter terrain and super detailing the table.


  1. nicely done Miles, it is amazing that you can get it in one box.

  2. Well done- your table is coming along at an impressive rate.

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    John I can get most of a 4x6 section in one of those tubs - some of the big buildings don't fit. I'm estimating I'll need 4 of thos tubs to transport all of the terrain for the entire 10x6 table ans the minis / gameplay aids.

  4. Looks awesome mate - I'm most envious of your gaming buddies who will get to play on it!
