
Friday, January 22, 2021

Stalingrad Project: Trundling Along


A good bit of progress on the central part of Central Stalingrad was made over the past few days.  The base layer of tile grout has been applied to most of the hexes and the building placement is finalized.  Also the most tedious part of the project - the rail tracks are mostly done.  Hand cutting all of the railroad track ties was a pain in the , well you know where.  I still ned to add the rails - which is just 1/16 inch square plastic strips painted black grey - that's really easy.  The first picture is taken from the east along the Volga River.  All the river embankments are cut out and I'm still playing around with how to do so of the details such as supply depots and ferry wharfs.  As these hexes are along the edge of the table, adding details really helps "sell" the whole concept.

Looking from the west.  I am cheating a bit - rather than making a custom model of the Train Station, I'm using the large factory model from Terrains4games as a stand-in.  It worked out to be about the right size.  I may end up replacing it and using the factory in another spot (that's one of the benefits of hex terrain) but it looks good for now.

The next step is to paint all the buildings and then add texture / rubble to all the hexes.  Once this section of the table is completed there are another 5 hex rows along the right side that need to be built.  Most of the iconic buildings that are located in those 5 rows (the Nail Factory and the Univermag Dept store have been rough built.  There also a lot of open space from Red Square so building those rows should be pretty fast.


  1. Miles, your effort here continues to impress. The finished result will a spectacle, indeed.

  2. This is looking great, I too want to see the finished effect

