
Sunday, March 14, 2021

Bucentaure Update


Spring is almost here and that means its time to get Bucentaure ready for the water.  Last July she got a little scratched up during a storm and very high tide so we need to get the hull repainted along with some other minor repairs.  The paint work will be done by professionals as I would just screw it up.
I’m going to try something new this year with the boat.  Rather than keeping her tied up at a dock during the sailing season, the boat will be stored at a “Boatel” facility.  What’s that?  It’s an steel cradle that’s on land and the boatyard uses a big fork lift to put her in and out of the water.

I’m really ready for Spring

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a boating man at all, but I can imagine it must be lovely to get out on the water for the first time in spring. When you do do it, post some photos as it would be nice to see where you sail!
