
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Last Night at the Club


Last Monday night at the club Tom ran a 100 Years War game using 10mm miniatures from Tony and Greg's collections.

We refought the Battle of Poitiers - with Greg and I taking the French and Tony and Ed the British.  The French forces outnumbered the english by almost 2:1 but our commander was rated as "buffoon" which ummm limited out choices!

It was a great game and pretty close run affair but history repeated itself and the English won the day.  These 10mm medieval armies are superb and very tempting....


  1. Is this inna be your next Challenge adventure?

  2. Probably not. I need to finish the Stalingrad opus before starting to think about the next project.

  3. Great looking table and armies. It’s a tough battle for both commanders, but harder for the French I think.

  4. Great looking game and 10mm or even 6mm certainly the way to go to give that big battle feel.

  5. 10mm is a great scale for this sort of battle.

    Small enough that you can really pack on the figures, and large enough to get some sort of actual detail (of course in eras with heraldry, that might be a negative factor!)

  6. Never tried 10mm but I can see the advantage.
