
Friday, April 8, 2011

Game Room Design

Follow this link to a blog post about my friend, Ernie's game room - he has a very cleverly designed game room which focuses as much on the player experience (light, sounds) as it does on the table top scenery.  Ernie has an amazing setup and there's a lot one can learn from his techniques.  Take a look and prepare to be jealous!


  1. Very, very jealous, what a set up, have you ever played there?

  2. I play there very often - it's an amazing sight. The Nappy game in my april 3rd post was played there.

    In fact my very first miniature war game was a big napoleonic game in Ernie's game room - lets just say I started in the "deep" end of the wargaming pool!

  3. That's a fantastic setup, how the hell can you compete with him??

  4. I suppose it's not about competing with him but learning and building on what you see and hear. What an amazing room i just said to my wife if i won lotto i'd want to build a room like that.

  5. Jealous...yes that sums it up. Superb!


  6. I don't think it's a competition with ernie, as he has a 20 year head start and an army for just about any occasion. Rather it's a learning opportunity to see how stage a great gaming event. Playing at Ernie's is like going the the theatre - it's a full immersion environment and doing so has really improved my game hosting abilities.

    Of course that will now be put to the test as I've agreed to GM a "Hail Caesar" demo game at Historicon this summer.

  7. Looking at your friend's game room is a bad idea. It's fueling my jealousy. Kidding aside, I think he's the only person I've seen with that kind of game room. Collecting all of those must be hard.
