
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Progress on the Alabama and Kearsarge

 A little more progress on the CSS Alabama and the USS Kearsarge - both models have been sealed and the basic rigging has been added.  Since these models are destined for the tabletop, I tend to prefer a light rigging scheme as that's easier to repair fro the inevitable gaming mishaps.  I also need to add the flags but that's a relatively simple exercise.

 A close up of the Alabama.  I like the level of detail that a 1/600 ship model can provide.

Ans a cose up of the Kearsarge.  Both models are from Thoroughbred Figures and are of exceptional quality.  They do take a little skill to assemble and paint but I think the end results are well worth the effort.

I'm not sure what's next on the painting / modeling agenda, but I know I've got several nagging items to finish up on some projects before starting a new one.


  1. Exceptional quality models - and looks like you're doing an exceptional job on them too - can't wait to see them all based up and finished!

  2. There are countless abdominal exercise that you can do that are much more effective and far less strenuous than the sit-up!The last most common myth about abdominal development is that you can get really good abs with a really poor diet.
