
Sunday, October 23, 2011

SAGA: Painting Progress on the Normans

 There was some progress on the Norman Warband today - most of the block painting was completed today (some after this photo was taken).  The Normans should be completed by next weekend.  You can see there future opponents above them casting derision on their unpainted state.

To be honest, I had hoped to get a bit more done today, but our cat, Oliver, had other plans.  I was working in my office when he decided my lap look comfortable and hopped up and went to sleep.  Not knowing what to do, I promptly drifted off also.  Oh well, maybe more painting progress next weekend.


  1. Sounds great,
    A wee bit of painting and the family cat coming to tell you when it's time for a break!

  2. Nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon - as the Kinks would say. BTW, a local gaming buddy said he ordered a copy of SAGA - can't wait to try out the rules. Best, Dean

  3. Ahh, you always have to be aware of the dreaded cat nap!
    Your SAGA troops are coming along fine.

  4. We poke cats here sir....terrible excuse for a nap...say you were lifting weights all morning.

  5. Looking good! I've caught the Saga bug too. I found I already had a painted Viking warband left over from a half finished WAB project from years ago. My Norman warband is on the way...
