
Sunday, November 13, 2011

SAGA Norman Warband Completed

 My Vikings now have a foe for the tabletop - a 4 point Norman War-band, which consists of a Mounted Warlord, 2 units of Mounted Hearthguard, a unit or Warriors with spears, and a second unit of Warriors with crossbows.  These gents should pose a good challenge to my Vikings.  All of the mounted figures are plastics from Conquest Games.  The foot figures are metals from Gripping Beast.  Sorry for the bad lighting in the photos.

 The unit of spear -armed Warriors look dashing sporting their Little Big Man shield transfers.  Some of you may remember the rather questionable attempt at hand painting shields with my Viking War-band - the figures just look so much better with the LBM transfers.  They are well worth the cost.

 Some crossbowmen to pepper and annoy my plucky Vikings.  Wow designer shields AND annoying crossbow bolts - those Vikings are really going to hate theses guys.

 The first of two units of mounted hearthguard.  I really like the Conquest Plastics.  The LBM shield transfers required just a bit of trimming along the bottom to fit the Conquest figures but that wasn't too hard.

 The second unit of mounted Hearthguard.  All of the figures in each unit sport the same tunic color to help tell them apart on the table top.

 A close up of the shields - I here they're all the rage on the Paris runways this year....

Lastly, here is the Norman Warlord.  I think he came out "OK" but will likely switch him out for a metal version that will look a bit more heroic.


  1. Great looking warband. I agree the LBM transfers are worth the money

  2. Very nice!
    I'm quite a bit further back in my own Saga project. This makes me want to find the time to do more!

  3. Cracking looking army, and you used round bases as well..nice one!!
    I´ve Just got my Norman army...well so far..finished.

  4. Great looking warband, very distinctive. The shields look excellent!

  5. Excellent painting there Sir!!! The LBMS transfers look great, they are definitely worth their weight in gold!!!!

  6. Very nice warband, I'm sure those crossbows will be worth their point. Love the shields and I will be following you with painting these two warbands hopefully pretty soon.

  7. Great looking warband. I'm tempted to try Saga myself do to the low model count required.

  8. They look pretty awesome. I have also been impressed by the LBMS transfers, they have made my Vikings look very spiffing.


  9. Super looking warband!Good luck on carving out a kingdom!


  10. What a wonderful warband - Pass the cidre and the vin de noire!

  11. Thanks for the comments. I've got a few additional units to make for both sides and the it will be on to another project

  12. really nice work there they look just awesome

  13. Jolly nice.
    My oponent fielded exactly the same warband in our last game.

  14. The Normans look awesome.
    I have assembled and painted the mounted contingents and expect to visit Uncle Ernie's fine Emporium soon to pick up foot soldiers.
    The tower has been completed and even has off duty guards eating in the kitchen. I added a granary and stable and will add a blacksmith shed to go along with the dark ages buildings from A of W. Soon be ready to play Saga.

  15. Thanks Dick
    I have a 4 point Viking warband and a 4 pt Norman warband completed and looking forward to getting them in action.
