
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

29th US Infantry Completed

 The 29th US Infantry is complete!  This is my first US unit for my 28mm War of 1812 project and it consists of 36 figures.  Sorry for the poor picture quality but I was too lazy to get the right lighting in place.

This is the 1st unit of a planned 8-10 unit US force which will consist of:

3 Regular Infantry Units
1 Rifles
3 Militia
1 Artillery Battery (3 guns)
1 Light Dragoons or Mounted Kentucky Militia

As per the previous posts, I have completed these figures as part of the Analouge Hobbies painting challenge.  I've had a pretty decent showing (in terms of volume) but some of the other competitors have some amazing contributions.  The competition has been a lot of fun and I appreciate all the work Curt has had to put in keeping up with all the submissions.

As you can see in the second picture, I still need to add a flag to the unit and will be trying a new manufacturer I found (via his comment on Curt's blog), Flags of War.  The flags seemed reasonably priced so lets see how the work out.

Next up on the painting workbench will either be the 1st US Rifles or a Maryland Militia Unit


  1. Had a good look at them on the Analogue blog - nice unit, and very characterful mini's... well done.. now back to the painting table... :o)

  2. Great start on your army; you made quick work of these guys. I'm interested to see how you paint up your Riflemen. Best, Dean

  3. Great looking unit and lone viking! These will fetch you alot of points on Curt's blog!

  4. Nice looking nit. What paint colours did you use for the uniforms? I struggling to find a suitable dark blue.


  5. Matt: I used Vallejo Prussian Blue for the tunics and Iraqi Sand for the pants (the US used tan pants for Fall/Winter and white for Spring/Summer)

  6. Nice painting and moving them along at fair clip I'd say.


  7. The flags are on their way mate and i hope you like them. The figures look grea. WO1812 is something that is almost never spoken or taught in the UK. In recent months ive done my best to read up on it but ill be concentrating on FIW and Vikings for now before if start thinking of Wo182 haha.

  8. Thanks for the colour reference.

