
Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Historicon Game is in the PEL: F-144

My second attempt at being a GM at a convention game is now official and I'll be hosting another game at Historicon.  Last year's game was a lot of fun to put on and had a very good level of attendance.  This year's game will again pit Romans against a combined Dacian / Sarmatian army and will use the "Hail Caesar" ruleset.  The armies have grown a bit from last year so I'll be able to support 6 players (3 per side) rather than four from last year.

The game particulars can be found in the PEL, item F-144 and is titled "A Dacian a Day keeps the Romans Away".  Timing is Friday, July 20th at 1:00pm.  As with last year convention, I'll also run a few ad-hoc games in the evening.

Here's a link to the HCON PEL

Registration for last year's game filled up very quickly, so if your interested register sooner than later.

I'm still tweaking the scenario.   While the game will be different than last years it will not be a standard "line 'em up on each side of the table and have at it" style of game.  I've got two months to get this done so I'd better get cracking.

As with all my gaming enterprises the game is supported by the kind people over at Architects of War.


  1. You'll do a great job of it, Miles! I look forward to seeing what kind of scenario you come up with.

  2. Best wishes on your upcoming game, Miles. I am doing a similar one at our local convention this coming weekend at Enfilade! I'm running a Black Powder Napoleonics game. Best, Dean

    P.S. I may get into Napoleonic naval gaming in the future too.
