
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Exiles Wargames Prize Give Away

James over at "Exiles Wargames Painter" blog has succumbed to the raffle virus that is infecting the blog world lately and has organized an impressive prize set.  He's also one of the leaders of the Bloggers for Charity event so his blog is even more worthwhile

Go take a look, and if you mention you came from here I think pretty sure to be guaranteed to win something.  Yup, I'm almost completely sure that you should be able to maybe kinda, sorta win something.  It might not be an actual tangible item but....  Oh hell, here's the link:

Exiles Fantastic Give Away


  1. cheers for the link back. And for all you pimping of the charity gig

  2. Great plug - Miles; always helping a fellow-blogger out. Best, Dean
