
Monday, July 15, 2013

Historicon 2013 Prep Part II

 As with all cons where I am a GM the last few days are filled with frantic preparations.  First up. here are some shots of the finished ironclad that will be featured in my games on Friday and Saturday.  Mike did an outstanding job and now it's my responsibility to get this 31 inch monster to the con in one piece.

 Actually in two pieces as the top and side come off to allow for some action in the interior!

 The command deck has a ship's wheel and chart desk complete with top secret plans.  A request for any Union players in either game - please don't enlarge the photo, you may get an unfair advantage for the map contents.

The guns are all large bore Dalhgrens or Columbiads and were a lot of fun to both find and put together.

Lastly, here an in-process shot of the Bolt-Action Dice-Bot my son is building for Judson of the WWPD Bolt Action podcast.  When completed, this bot will be able to drive around the battle field, avoid terrain and minis and pick out random order dice or dump large amounts of regular dice for shooting etc.  Sean had another, paying project, take a bit more time so we may not get the programming done in time for Historicon but it will be ready for Fall-In for sure - no more nasty dice bags or socks for Mr Judson!


  1. all looking great hope you have a cracking time, and take plenty of pictures
    Peace James

  2. Excellent Ironclad, will make a great piece of eye candy.

  3. Awesome. I am sorry I will miss seeing you at Historicon. I will get to see that Bolt Action Dice Bot soon since I live near Judson.

  4. What cool stuff. Wish I were going. Very cool robot. What's he using to program it?
