
Sunday, October 20, 2013

11 More 28MM WW2 Japanese

 This morning I managed to knock out 11 WW2 Japanese infantry for my Bolt Action Force.  The figures are from Brigade Games and are all metals.

 There are 8 riflemen who will be used to replace the LMG teams in my 4 infantry squads.  The BA rules don't really handle LMGs well for a tournament - your better off replacing with riflemen.  12 regular riflemen cost the same as a regular squad with 10 figures - including the LMG team, yet have one more shooting dice (12 vs 11) and 2 extra swings in close combat.  It's not that historical but I mostly play in tournaments for BA.

I've got another 16 or so figures to finish up.


  1. That's a lot of figures for a one day production line. They look good on it as well


  2. Very nice looking Japanese troops...

  3. Really good looking Japanese. Keep considering getting some myself,but still need to complete my BA Fallschirmjager first.

  4. They look great, Miles. Best, Dean
