
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WWPD Italy Campaign Almost Ready to go!

The WWPD crew is running another multiplayer campaign, which this year's event centered on the Italy Campaign.  I participated in last years Normandy campaign and had a blast so I highly recommend participating.

Here is the link to the campaign website.  This year's event features a much improved user interface that maybe even a Luddite, such as myself, can navigate to easily post battle reports.  It all looks pretty slick and a really good reason to get your FOW stuff back on the table.

This year, I'll be playing on the bad guys side - the Axis

On other Flames of War news this coming Saturday will see me competing in my first FOW non-doubles tournament at the Game Vault in Fredericksburg, VA.  I'm a bit nervous about the event but it should be a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I've never played FoW but that campaign setup is so slick I'm tempted to dive in. Brilliant, and good luck.
