
Thursday, June 26, 2014

All Quiet on the Martian Front - Now They've Gone a Stepped in It!

 Another Assault Tripod to add to my growing Martian arsenal.  I wanted the basing to show the true fiendish nature of our Martian advisories.  It's true - the respect nothing, not even a man's private sanctuary!

 The outhouse is scratch built using some old model rail road supplies I had.  A scaled down recruiting poster was also added to give the right theme for the image.  It took me a few tries to cut out the quarter moon shape of the front

The fleeing figure is one of the "Human Prey" figures that came with the kickstarter and  I think it works rather well to give that "mad-dash" kind of feel.  I added the trailing toilette paper as an after thought
My out house has interior detail.  I'm working on a scaled down version of the AQMF Rule book to add on the floor of the "rural library".


  1. Superb vignette with great flourishes! Have these aliens no decency?

  2. I utterly adore it. Flashes of brilliance like this is what makes me enjoy the hobby so much.

  3. "...Yet across the gulf of space, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded our outhouses with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us."

    Excellent work on that vignette, sir!

  4. These look great looking forward to receiving my own.

  5. Fantastic work, Miles. Love the tp sticking to his shoe. Best, Dean

  6. Love it! That tp on the shoe is brilliant
