
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

All Packed Up for Historicon 2014

 All of the miniatures I need for Historicon are packed up and ready for me to hit the road tomorrow - in these boxes are over 1,200 28mm ACW miniatures for the two games I am putting on, my Japanese Bolt Action army for the Saturday tournament (still need to finalize my list) and a bunch of All Quiet on the Martian Front stuff for Ernie to use at his demo games.

 A "custom made" transport case for my 28mm scale ironclads.  I'm sure seeing this will make the guy at battle foam very nervous...

 I also manage to repaint my terrain boards - turning the glow in the dark artificial blue that was into...

A slow flowing dark brown of the James River - rich with piedmont runoff and other biologicals from large army encampments along the river's banks upstream.  I think the boards look a lot better.  I'm glad I only put on games at Historicon 'cause it's a lot of crap to transport.


  1. Wow, had to do a double take looked like you was moving! Serious, I know the packing for a con!

  2. Fingers crossed for a safe transit for everyone and everything!

  3. Great work, I hope the weekend is blast!

  4. Wow - looks like you may need a U-Haul or 18-wheeler to move all of those figures and terrain. Very impressive! Dean

  5. Have fun at H-Con then!

  6. Loving those naval models ~ I'm so envious, and now thinking how to construct my own :)

  7. Hi this was some nice looking game! I saw this cool game at the Con! All seemed to have a Blast. It was very Well Done Sir! Your sail boat is super nice. Wish we could sail with you My Uncle was a Bigtime Sailer. He loved the bay. He if you ever need ex3 hand my wife m e and my Son would love to. We live near Harrisonburg Va. Keep up the Great Post! I'm glad our boys won that ACW ;-) God Bless. Greyson in the Valley
