
Friday, August 8, 2014

By Fire and Sword: Swedish Skirmish Force

I've finished painting and basing the figures that came with the Swedish skirmish force that I received from the By Fire and Sword Kickstarter.   It's a nice little force that has 4 stands of reiters, 4 stands of Dragoons (both mounted and dismounted) a light gun and commas group.

Also pictured is the fortified farm terrain piece which should also work nicely for FOW Eastern Front actions.

 A close up of the Reiters - these are essentially medium cavalry.

 The mounted version of the Dragoons

Finally the dismounted Dragoon stands, the light gun and the Command Group.  Soon to be joining these figures will be another Dragoon and armored Reiters group, two infantry infantry regiments and some more guns.  I should be able to field a full division of Swedes in the next few months.


  1. The By Fire and Sword stuff looks nice. Your boat is also quite eye catching. Good luck with the race.

  2. Great looking figures and terrain!!

  3. They look good, Miles - and you painted/based them in no time. Best, Dean

  4. Nice work Miles, I can not believe though that you are in another era.


  5. Lovely work Miles! That farm is an absolute corker! Where is it from?

  6. The farm is from the company that makes By Fire and Sword. Its a resign piece with removable roofs.

    The manufacturer is based in Poland and can be found at:
