
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sail Boat Show Prep II

 Last Saturday some friends helped me sail the Bucentaure across the bay to Annapolis to get ready for the Sail Boat Show.  The weather was beautiful - 70's, sunny but there was one hitch - zero wind.  So when I use the term "sail", I really mean we motored across and occasionally caught a brief gust of wind.  It makes for a less than exciting passage as the boat's "massive" 14 hp diesel engine can get up to 5 knots.  At least its fuel efficient - we only used 2 gallons of fuel.  But it was a lonnnnggggg 5 and a half hour passage.

 Coming up on the Thomas Point lighthouse - it's one of the last screw-pile light houses still on the water.  This light house marks an approach into Annapolis harbor.

Tied up at a temporary spot.  With the sailboat show coming, dockage is at a premium and you tie up where you can find a spot. In return for letting the guys at North Point use my boat, I'll get a compete  cleaning and they'll help me pick out a good electronics package.  At 28', she'll not be the largest boat at the show but I think she'll do OK.

If you're at all interested in sailing, the Annapolis Sail Boat Show is a must do.


  1. Never as much fun when you are motoring, but a bad day on the water beats a good day just about anywhere else,

    I'm jealous!


  2. Peter's absolutely right... it was sunny, there was a boat, and no one could get hold of you... perfect...
