
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Secret Santa Wish List

I've signed up to participate in Ian's Secret Santa Project as a way to ensure I have at least one gaming related item under the tree this year.

One of the requirements of the endeavor is for me to list a few "gaming wants" so my secret santa has an idea what to get.  Pricing is capped at 15.00 pounds or $24.15 US (at todays exchange rate).

So here we go - I suspect this list will rival the avarice of a sugar-infused six year old:

These ideas are listed in no particular order

(1) 28mm Napoleonics - really isn't this the "Mac Daddy" of gaming - the one that impresses the ladies and cowes your rivals?  Perhaps a nice British or French command stand or better yet a handful of Portuguese Cacadores.  I do prefer Perry's over other manufactures but will be grateful for any manufactures goodies

(2) 28mm War of 1812 - The shabby distant cousin of Napoleonics - you know the one that lives in a trailer that we don't talk about during the holidays.  To be honest I make my Peninsular British do double duty for the war of 1812 but I'm always on the look out for new mini's.  American Indian allies - Tecumseh and his band are always welcome on my table.  Sadly, I tend to make my indians also do double duty switch sides based on the game scenario.

(3) Anything naval (historical naval that is).  I've got a nice collection of 1/1200 Napoleonic Langtons (these maybe out of the price range) but I can also use some 1/2400 WW1 ships or even 1/600 ironclads.  My other hobby is sailing so anything that's wind powered will be treasured.  One note of warning, if my santa gives me a ship for a period I don't currently collect - say for example a Roman Trireme (hint, hint), I will have no qualms throwing said Santa under the bus as I explain to my wife that the gift now legally requires me to start a new collection.  I suspect my wife will hunt the offending Santa down to extract her revenge.  She's a surgeon so be very afraid.

(4) Anything - I'll be grateful for anything my Santa can come up with.  Just remember if the gift's the cause of me starting a new period, please look into your nations witness protection programs as my lovely but fierce wife will hunt you down.  You've been warned......

Really - I'm not kidding on this last point.


  1. Those look like a good list. I too enrolled to get gaming treats under the tree.

  2. A very nice list. Unfortunately you're not my target on Secret Santa...

  3. I struggle with the whole secret Santa concept! I really do. Which is why I don't get involved. The list does look very interesting and I immediately saw want in my mind what I would get you. So your list must work really well.

    I hope you get what you want. Even if you do not yet know what you want!

  4. "Secret Santa's" are kind of a forced social concept - I've never done one before and wanted to give it a go. It's interesting to get a glimpse of other others perceive yourself. Give out a few vague hints and see what you get.

    I think it will be fun and that, at its core, is why we have hobbies in the first place

  5. I tried to join bit the entry period is over :(. Looks like I'm going to have to pick someone at random and paint something for them.

    War of 1812 - they have some nice figures for that....
