
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Sectional Terrain: Redone Feild

 After the heartbreaking diagnosis of "Vegetarian Measles", I sprang into action to "cure" my field board.  The first step was to move the offending clump foliage which was done with my trusty scrapper.  It was surprisingly hard to get the little buggers off the field and the plaster was damaged a bit.

 A new layer of "top-soil" was added using the sandstone colored  tile grout.  It will have more texture than the Durham's Water Putty.

 I discovered that using a cheap foam brush to make the furrows is a lot easier.  Before I had been using a old knife and it was hard to keep the furrows relatively straight but the foam glides over any hard spots and is a bit forgiving.  Let the brush dry after using and then clip off the ends with grout and it's good to go.

 The new crop-less field after painting. The paints still a bit wet.  I'll add some shading (a few drops of india ink in rubbing alcohol and some details along the sides - a fence section and a few rocks.  I think it already looks a lot better.

 There was also some progress on the rocky depression board - the base coat of brown and an initial great coat for the rocks.  Over the next several days I'll progressively add lighter grey dry brushes to bring out the details.
Ahhh, the first signs of Spring - peach buds on our peach tree's  Spring is a glorious time here on the Maryland Eastern Shore but it does bring more outside activities to compete with cellar dwelling modeling stuff.  Budgeting my time will become increasingly important if I'm going to be ready for Historicon.

This year's garden has been started.  The new crop to try this year are acorn squashes - we'll see how they do.

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