
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Historicon: All Packed up

 The first shot is a test build out of my terrain panel rolling cart with all the crap - oops - I mean to say important historical simulation aides I need to put on the game.  It's very stable and easy to push.  So far my plan is working.

Now the real test - the first test fit into the car.  This point is where I usually have a "Oh Sh*t" moment and realize I've measure wrong or done some other silly thing.  Not this time - the damn thing fit like a glove with the wheels and hand bar removed.

The car packed with everything else - a few thousand 28mm ACW figures, terrain, 30 os so 1/600 ironclads and associated terrain.

Note to self - naval games are A LOT easier to transport.  Let's try and remember that for HCON 2016!

OK I hit the road in a minutes



  1. Great job!

    Drive safe and have a great time Miles.
    Sorry I can't join you there as I had hoped to

  2. Have a nice and safe trip and enjoy the show!
    Bring us some pictures. ;-)
