
Sunday, July 26, 2015


Our garden was left a bit untended during last weeks Historicon activities....

and we have a surplus of produce including two big baskets of tomatoes.  My wife and I made tomatoe sauce all day on Saturday and now we've got about a gallon to freeze.  MB finds a mix of the Roma's and cherry tomatoes makes the best sauce.  I find whatever she makes is an angelic ambrosia and worth every ounce of effort.

Maybe not directly related to miniature gaming but like armies, we gamers do both travel and paint on our stomaches!


  1. Miles
    Mmmmmm garden tomatoes. We have a only a few so far this year, being much further North than you, but there are many, many more on the vine. We use a tomato press and freeze passata to be turned into what ever over the winter. However the zucchini onslaught has begun (I grated and froze 8 bags yesterday) and we already have pesto cubes in the freezer.
