
Friday, July 3, 2015

Sectional Terrain: Roads Completed and the Project is close to the finish line....

 My gosh this is a never ending project.  At least I don't have to work on it in a suit and tie like poor old Legatus Hedlius (just teasing, my British friend).

The roads are now done - the remaining steps were to paint them with Iraqi Sand colored house paint.

 A shot showing a road section I made 4 years ago using a similar method.
 Once the paint has dried a quick wash of diluted black craft paint in water (approx 1 part paint to 15 parts water)

 Serviceable roads emerge!
 Another shot of the finished product - not the most detailed but will suit my purposes.

 I did manage a little silly detail for one of the forrest plates - a dinosaur fossil sculpted out of greenstuff.  It's a good thing I'm not a professional sculptor, 'cause I'd starve for sure.

I did decide to go ahead and pour the resin for the rivers this morning - either I'll be very happy in a few days or very sad but that is the way with resin.

Not pictures are some additional crop fields and a hill I've made which should bring terrain making to a close for the HCON games (I hope)


  1. I like the forest base, and might even imitate it!

    It will be interesting to hear if anybody sees the fossil...

  2. Wonderful progress, Miles!
    Carry on like this. :-)
