
Sunday, September 20, 2015

London in September

 Not a lot of paintwork this week as I spent the week in London on business.  As usual, London was a lot of fun but a but hectic as it was the lead up the opening of the Rugby World Cup.  One of the highlights of the trip was the transportation - I always fly British Airways to Europe and this trip I was able to fly both ways on one of the giant A-380's - it's a fascinating piece of equipment and was a lot of fun to fly on.

 I will not bore you with the business details of the trips - a board meeting, meeting with some new companies that might be attractive investments (most of whom frog march you through a power point deck...)

I tend to take random pictures, like this one of Cavendish Square - it's outside the office of a new company of an interesting company who didn't use a power point deck and just wanted to discuss strategy options - both very refreshing and promising.

 There are a number of UK firms we co-invest with located down in the city and one has probably the best office location I've ever seen - right across the street from the Royal Academy of Arts.  I don't even want to know the cost of their real estate.

The week was filled with approximately 12 not very memorable meetings, 3 interesting ones and board meeting so it was productive.  The evenings were filled with me gorging on Indian food but I did get to host a dinner at my favorite place to eat in London "Chez Patrick" in Kensington.  It's a great neighborhood french place and the owner is a real character - especially is you ask to see his California Wine list or request "Freedom Fries" with your scallops.  He and I have a standing joke/threat that if I pull up to the place in a big American Ford F-150 pickup truck, he'll add BBQ to the menu listing.  From my experience few places in London combine a reasonable price level with superior food / and a relaxed atmosphere better than this one.

The night before I left for London, my lovely wife and I attended a birthday party for a friends dog (named Creek).  It's really just an excuse to throw a party but it was fun.  As you see in the picture the guest of honor took quite a liking to MaryBeth and followed her around all night.  I think that means we net to get a dog!

Hobby wise, I still have a unit of AWI Continental regulars to finish off and I'll be re-organzing my workshop over the next few weeks.


  1. Lovely looking weather there in the UK. The Airbus is deceptively large - only when you realize there are two rows of windows can its size really be comprehended. Nice doogie birthday lawn party too!

  2. Glad you enjoyed the trip. But next time you're going to be in the Smoke, do let us know in advance - I'm sure there are several of us who'd like to meet up with you for food, drink and chit-chat.

  3. Glad you enjoyed London. Even though I live at the other end of the country I do love to visit. I recommend the national galley and Van Gogh's Wheatfield with Cypresses for you next visit. One of those paintings that makes you remember what all the fuss about art is about

  4. Work travel can be exhausting and is rarely the fun it always appears to others.
    Always good to make the most of it though

    Looking forward to seeing your workshop reorganisation - its always inspiring to get ideas about how to optimise your own Man Cave!

  5. PS I'm also excited that we will finally get to meet up at Fall-In in November!

  6. We gotta meet up, next time Miles!!! Glad you enjoyed your enjoyed your trip.

  7. We've always loved our trips to The Smoke. Sounds like a hectic time though - next visit you'll have to meet up with some of the local bloggers, they're a great bunch!

  8. I think you should get a dog. :)
    I heard an American business guru talk about his 10-20-30 rule for slide decks.
    10 = no more than ten slides.
    20 = no more than 20 minutes of talk.
    30 = all slides must be in 30 point type.

    Mind you, for pitches to VC folks, 20 minutes is probably far longer than necessary to show if you're a worthwhile investment or not.
