
Saturday, December 5, 2015

AHPC_VI: The Plan

Well here it is in all it's astounding glory - my plan for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge VI: The Die is Cast.

The cunning Curt has trimmed this years challenge from 15 to 13 weeks and I'm targeting to put up 2,075 points.

You should all feel my projected points are a rock solid investment. As a financial services professional wielding a spreadsheet is second nature.  Moreover, I think it's safe to say that financial types with spreadsheets are only a force for good in the world and have never gotten into mischief....

Auto-calc ON!!!!!!

Figure prep-n-priming is underway here in the Lair.


  1. I salute you, Miles; if only I had the time...woe is me :(

  2. I did a spreadsheet last time too and found it very useful as a planning and motivational tool. It also helped me with our side challenge updates too which was good for a bit of banter.

    I went to do one for this year and realised that it is a dead flat line with a spike in the last week - such is the madness of planning the challenge during a move :-)

    2075 is quite the ambition - good luck to you my friend.
    As always, I shall watch with great interest :-)

  3. I'm actually going sans-xls this year. I'll keep a record of points but I'm just going to let the painting come to me. Should be quite an experience!
