
Monday, December 7, 2015

And now a British Gunboat

A British gunboat has appeared in the Lair's dry dock awaiting outfitting during the AHPC VI.

I made need to reinforce the jib spar as it screams out "Breakable in Transport"

This is another kit from the Laser dreamwork line and will be used in my Historicon 2016 game.


  1. Very nice Miles, are they expensive??

  2. They both look like lovely kits Miles, can't wait to see what you do with them!

    I recently read "1812: The Navy's War", which is an excellent account. Describes the confused start to war in the bigger overall context of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. Whenever one of my classmates went on about the White House being burned down, I referred them to this book and declared "Well you probably shouldn't have started the war then!" :-)

  3. Ray - these are laser cut models and are very reasonable - each gunboats cost $35.00 US and come with the cannons.

    Paul - I still think it was very rude to burn the Whitehouse down. Here I always thought the British had good manners...

  4. Granted it was somewhat churlish, though an in depth study of the event shows that it was accidental rather than cunning strategic rapier thrust designed to annoy you all for 200+ years :-)

  5. ...and actually it was the Canadians. But look on the bright side, it allowed for a very nice renovation to the place - you folks should actually thank us. ;)

  6. Oh Canadiens Ehhh?

    that's even worse!!!!
