
Friday, March 25, 2016

AHPC VI: The Final Tally

A group shot of what I painted over the past 12 weeks during the 6th incantation of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.  The total points came in at 3,306 which just managed to squeeze me into to first place over Martin C.  To be honest that was more due to Martin being away the last weekend than my skills.

More importantly, all of the figures I need to put on the Historicon War of 1812 game are done.

 The right side of the group - some artillery, 1 British and 2 Portuguese infantry battalions and some Native Americans.  Plus a horde of WW2 Russians in the back.

 The left side has some French Artillery and a fort plus a whole bunch of 15mm odds and ends for Flames of War.  In the back is a WW2 German Pioneer force.
 Along the banks of the river are some Napoleonic naval crew figures, a British landing party and two gun boats.
on the hills are all the figures I completed for Forstgrave and the 28mm scale USS Wasp, which is the pride and joy of this year'c competition.

In terms of painting tallies the following was painted up

Infantry:       390 figures
Cav/Guns     17
Vehicles        16
Boats             3

Infantry:      102
Cav/Guns     12
Vehicles        23

1/1200 Ships  2

I am really ready to start on a few terrain projects!


  1. Terrific job and I must say that terrain board is first class.


  2. Congratulations on coming top, I don't really mind, especially when you have produced such a wide variety of stuff at such high quality.

  3. Well done Miles, you worked your socks off to get that top spot.

  4. It was a wonderful effort Miles, well done

  5. Congrats on the quality and total points in the challenge!

  6. Spectacular work Miles - well done!

  7. Amazing output at a stellar level of brushwork. That USS WASP model is particularly breathtaking.
    >3000 points is jaw droopingly impressive, and evidence of the power of spreadsheets!

    Brilliant job Miles!

  8. Wonderful work and congratulations Miles! I'll echo John in his admiration of your gaming boards.
