
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Awaiting the Onslaught of the Golden Horde

Golden Horde of female dental students, that is.

Yes it's that time of year where my home is over run by 30-40 twenty something female dental students for my wife's annual bash.  Usually this chaos happens in April but it's been delayed to May this year.

Luckily no catering disasters like last year (I do make a mean quiche by the way) but lots of house cleaning and stern warnings from my wife to behave.  To be honest, I'm a little offended that she thinks i'm capable of such rudeness.  It's not like the stripper pole incident of 2011 wasn't just a nice bit of good natured fun and a whole lot of mis communication - it's not like I contractually guaranteed them "A''s...

Anyway, most of the prep work is done and I'm off cutting veggies for some type of veggie tray and then I'll be making a few quiches tonight just to hold in reserve.

Wish me luck - these things can be very dicey and never-ever stand in front of the buffet table and the ravenous horde.

Just don't do it

My son and I do hope to escape tomorrow for some sailing if the weather holds.


  1. Indentured again eh? What's the collective term for female dental students? A mouthful?

  2. My father also used to host have an annual horde of dental nurses. Of course as a teenage boy my perspective was quite different and I would quite look forward to it. Still, the less said about the wet tshirt incident of 87 the better...

  3. You're not fooling anyone Miles we know that you live for this day!

  4. I think Peter Douglas is right! A house full of young female students! Are you sure your son wants to go out for sailing? :-D

