
Thursday, July 28, 2016

San Francisco Trip

 Mary Beth and I flew out to San Francisco this weekend to visit our son, Sean, who is doing a summer internship there before coming back to finish up his senior year at Carnegie Mellon.

We spent one day at Lands End park and had a wonderful timing hiking and enjoying the sights. Sean has taken to wearing a knit cap as a fashion statement which my wife detests and she rips it off at any opportunity.

 Wonderful views of the Pacific Ocean - we initially only wanted to spend an hour of so at the park but ended up staying 8 - it's a fascinating place.

 Breakfast one morning at the hotel - my wife is reacting to my plans for year another time period and set of armies for Historicon.
I have managed to start to work on the guild ball team I picked up at H-Con


  1. "Breakfast one morning at the hotel - my wife is reacting to my plans for year another time period and set of armies for Historicon." No she isn't - that's the face that says "I would really have liked the full English breakfast with extra black pudding and sausages, and all I got was porridge".. :o))

  2. Funny that looks like a "if you put this photo on your stupid blog I'll kill you" look.
    Looks like a good trip despite your sons fashion choices and spouses lack of enthusiasm in your hobby!
    Cheers, Peter
