
Friday, November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

 Yesterday was Thanksgiving and it was a wonderful day - perhaps my favorite holiday of the year.

All hail the Turkey - the epitome of evolution's magic - turning a dinosaur into a tasty flightless ball of meat with legs.

 Prep work for the meal is very involved and requires skill - hence you'll not see any images of me in the prep process.  No I've got a very special task more befitting my limited skills and IQ level...
 Cleanup - Ughh...

But its all worth it for a dinner of
- Butternut Squash Soup
- Roast Turkey
- Mashed Potatoes
- Stuffing
- Gravy
- Sweet Potato Casserole
- Mandarin Orange Salad
- Green Bean Casserole
- Steam Asparagus with Hollandaise Sauce
- Greek & Spanish olives
- Crescent Rolls
- Pumpkin Pie

MB getting the bird ready to make soup - yup that's right, we also get a couple gallons of soup out of this operation.

In addition to the gluttony experience, the day also reminds of what we should be thankful for.  For me that's my family and I'm a very lucky man indeed.


  1. Belated happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Miles!

  2. Looks superb Miles - very best wishes to you and yours mate

  3. Happy Thanksgiving; that turkey looks incrediby tasty
