
Saturday, April 22, 2017

I'm going to Salute, Not!

Salute, the reported "mother of all wargaming shows" is today and I almost got to go.  Yup, I came within 16 hours of being able to attend Salute.  In fact, I had even bought a ticket!

 An impromptu business meeting this friday in London had placed me on the correct side of the pond the day before the show - a golden opportunity ehh?  I thought so.  I then made a mistake of calling my wife to ask permission to stay a few days more and was greeted with a sigh, 15 seconds of silence and then a rather stern reminder that we were going to the wedding of a daughter of a very close friend and one of my business partners the same day back in the states.   AAGGHHH curse-words, moral dilemma.  The picture was taken at the gate in Heathrow as I was weighing the morale consequences of which way to go.  It was if the The Clashes "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" was on a permanent loop inside my head

Just boarded the flight - the door's still open, I could just dash off the plane for a full day gof gaming goodness.  Of course that would be followed by years of guilt and a deeply disappointed friend.  Since it's Salute, I'm sure all of you could understand how this decision could really go either way.

Damn I'm airborne, with the decision effectively enforced by the BA flight crew.  As I was enjoying a nice glass of Shiraz while finally watching "Rogue One" I pondered the unjustness of the universe to place me so close to Salute only to deny me my white whale of wargaming shows.  It is a cruel world we live in.

I'm back in London the week of May 15th - can anyone tell of this show called Partizan?


  1. It's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Partizan is a great show, in Newark on 22nd May (30 mins outside Nottingham). Me and DaveD are putting on a demonstration game, the one where he gets all the Mahdists out, and are stopping in Newark Saturday night. Love to see you

  2. Having the chance to see you and Dave (plus his toys) is worth the trip - I think I'll try to make this show and maybe even trek to the house of Perry to pledge my allegiance!

  3. Cool, we are staying here if you are around the night before

  4. So close, and yet so far!

    Good luck with Partisan.

  5. You did the right thing. There will always be another Salute but your friend's daughter will get married but once (hopefully). The fact is we are talking about grown ups playing with toys opposed to the participation in one of the most significant of life's passages. And there's always Partizan....

  6. Frustrating but I didn't enjoy it this year. Too crowded to really see anything.

  7. Shame you couldn't make it to Salute, but we understand the reasons. Maybe next year?

    Partizan is a great show - I went last year

  8. Of the two shows, I would recommend for better quality historical games, whilst Salute has a wider type of wargame trader.
