
Monday, December 18, 2017

I AM A REJECT (honorary)

 Last week I was in the UK for business and decided to extend the trip over the weekend to see if I could weasel my way into a game at the Legendary Posties game shed in sunny Gravesend England.  To my delight I was deemed worthy and had a fantastic time playing a Crimean War themed game with the Rejects.   In a surprising show of low standards, I was also awarded the title of "Honorary Member of Posties Rejects".  I'm pretty sure this is the same thing as getting knighted so I should be free to pop in and say high to the queen the next time I'm in London.

 Here's an action shot of me and my award enjoying a glass of Italian red on the flight back to the US.  Being from the US, I'm not really familiar with how people should address me with this new and august title.  I decided that "Your Grace" would do but really struggled to get any of the British Airways crew to recognize my nobility.  Given their resistance to using my new title, I suspect the crew must have originated from Scotland and had just watched Braveheart the night before.
I'll do a proper battle report in a few days but I must say playing a game at Posties is a fantastic experience and reinforces how much fun a game with a GM/referee is.  I didn't know the rules and think that made the experience even more fun.  Perhaps the best gaming experience I've ever had.

I also learned that whenever Postie laughs, something bad is about to happen on the table.

Thanks to Postie and the rest of the rejects for allowing me to participate.


  1. Your Grace - sincere and respectful congratulations on your elevation to rejecthood. Very select. Photos all good, but I am a bit worried about your photo on the plane - where exactly did they seat you? You weren't in the baggage hold, were you? Did you have to read any maps or anything during the flight?

    Now you're a member of the peerage, you have to watch out for revolutionary plots. Have a great Christmas!

  2. Brilliant! Congratulations Your Gitness!

  3. Congratulations, I think. The correct form of address is "Oi You There"

  4. OH I am jealous Miles, congrats on getting yo play at Posties and on the honorary Reject title. It's kinda like the Queens New Years Honours isn't it?

    FYI, in my eyes there no need for qualification - you've always been a total reject!
    Cheers, Peter

  5. T'was a pleasure Miles, you shall now be known by the title Baron Miles of the Lake!

  6. Many congratulations on your denoblement. I don't suppose this honour comes in the actual post?

  7. Glad to welcome you into our dubious ranks. It was a pleasure seeing you again and even better being on your side for the game. As for a title, after that victory I think only Field-Marshal will do!

  8. I believe the correct form of address is "We did warn you, but would you listen..."

    Glad you had a good time mate and welcome to the low-standards club :)

  9. Congrats on becoming a Reject Miles!

  10. As a colonial struggling under the cruel yoke of a foreign power I'm disappointed in your willingness to adopt, even revel in, the trappings of Empire!

  11. Millsy - as a newly minted royal, I think I get a chance to meet Kate and she rocks

  12. Sounds good to me Miles. Hopefully you can find your way north next time and join us in Grimsby.
