
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Best Single Image of my Historicon 2018 Games and Plans for 2019

I "liberated" this picture from Joe Procopio's wonderful "Scrum in Miniature" blog site as I thought it captured the silliness of the games I ran this year at HCON.

Even better is the fact that Joe and his band of near-do-wells live in the area so hopefully we can get some gaming in.

The wife and I are off on vacation for the next week to celebrate our 31st anniversary.  It's kind of a working vacation as she's speaking at a conference and I've got a board meeting on Tuesday but at least we'll be in London, which is my favorite place to be outside the Chesapeake Bay region.

I'll be using my time off to have a hard think about what to run for next year's con.  I plan to return to a more historical theme (sadly, no dinosaurs, dragons or mummies) and am thinking of running a truly historical game and then a hypothetical encounter on roughly the same table.

What's the game period?  We're going "Old School" on this one and will see a return to Napoleonics - that's right,  Bony is back and he'll be there to chew bubblegum and kick-ass.  One logistical point - he's all out of bubblegum!


  1. Great photo Miles! Enjoy your time in London!

  2. Lovely image! Have fun in London!
    Best Iain

  3. Couldn't be more honored, friend. And agreed: Let's get some gaming in at your place or mine in the coming weeks.

  4. That is a fun Jurassic Park type picture. 😀
    Happy Anniversary.

  5. Great photo. Have a good holiday, London is hot at the moment, hot & humid. I'm getting out and heading to Greece for a rest from the heat!

  6. Great looking shot of your game, Miles. Happy anniversary and looking forward to your Napoleonic project when you get back.

  7. London is a bit on the warm side this week - I don’t seem to recall the grass being such a vibrant shade of burnt brown before.

    Still I’m watched the sun rise over the Thames this am so all in all not bad
