
Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Fleets are currently in the ship yard nestled in their dry docks

There will be a naval aspect to next years game that will feature a minimum of 4 ships for the french fleet against a 3 ship (plus shore batteries) British one - all in 15mm scale.  If the modeling goes well there will be more ships.

Iv'e had a lot of these kits for years mouldering on the lead pile and am using the 2019 game as a reason to build them.  All of the models are from the fantastic Thoroughbred Miniatures Sea Eagles line.
 Here are the 4 French ships, including a 22 gun frigate
The British currently will have three ships - including a super fast / maneuverable mercenary Xebec.

Hmmm whats the scenario?  You'll just have to wait and find out.....


  1. Ooh, very cool additions to your game. Looking forward to seeing the ships painted up and sized-up next to figures.

  2. This is really shaping up to be a huge scenario. Good luck with the ships.

  3. WoW - that will be a table to drool over!

  4. Ships in 15mm, that's going large!
    Best Iain

  5. Wow! This is going to be something to see.

  6. Intriguing. Look forward to seeing these.

  7. Dang, 15mm! I thought I was crazy doing 1/300 ... very cool!
