
Friday, February 1, 2019

Knuckleduster Miniatures: Gunfighters Ball

Knuckleduster Miniatures ran a successful Kickstarter for a new American West themed game: Gunfighters Ball.  I've really enjoyed reading the rule book and painting up the fantastic minis that were produced for the line.  These are "heroic-scale" 28mm so really closer to 30-32mm and are wonderfully sculpted.  The masters for all the minions were created in CAD and then 3D printed.  Even my very limited painting skills can make these figures look great.

I'll do some future posts about the game after I've played a few rounds with the club but I'm really excited about the rules.  This is that rare kickstarter that has not disappointed in any way.

The Hotel in the picture is from Sarissa Precision.  the GB line also comes with some of it's own buildings which you'll see over the next few weeks.


  1. There are still some spots for our game of Gunfighter's Ball at the upcoming Scrum Con (Feb. 16, College Park, Maryland) for those who want to give this fun game a try! Below is the description and a link...

    Shoot Out in Peckinpah County
    Another quiet day dawns in Peckinpah County's town of Bitter Creek. Unfortunately, it never seems to stay quiet...noisy cows arriving, express wagons rumbling toward the bank, noisy cowboys and ne'er-do-wells drinking far too early and making foolish life decisions. What's a lawman to do?
