
Monday, April 1, 2019

Finally Going to Salute!

The Calendar gods have finally smiled upon me and my board schedule has aligned with the Salute show.  That means that I'll be attending Salute this year for the first time.

I'm set to fly out to London tonight for a few board meetings, all which will be a bit more stressful given all the silliness associated with the nightmare we know as "Brexit".  As I've said before, I cherish our most important of allies, the UK, but would have hoped you would have chosen to give us a proper role model for political management rather than join us up on the top spot of the podium for political stupidity.  Still, it's good to have some company up there.

Honestly, when one decides to cross the Rubicon, one knows they're marching on Rome and one doesn't just sit down on the opposite bank debating what to do while having a picnic.

Of course, I'm not just going for fun.  I'll be an O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L member of the wargaming press as I'll be covering the show for LittleWarsTV.  That's right I'm the Jimmy Olson of the war-game journalism beat.  It should be rather comical to watch me try to interview people and film at the same time.  Maybe I should adopt a "crusading journalist" approach and uncover the seamy underside of the gaming industry what with it's ties to Russian money laundering, Steve Bannon, and the NRA.  

My Pulitzer awaits.

I do hope I get a press badge,  I suspect I'll need to make one up myself.


  1. I'm trying to remember if you get a press pass or not. I think it may have been one of those paper bracelet things when I had a press ticket.

    One tip I've heard from someone else is to wear something to distinguish yourself from the run of the mill punters - a polo shirt or hi-vis vest with "Little Wars TV". Or your mathematurgical robes...

  2. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be given a press "tiara" to wear. Yes that will do nicely

  3. Just come wearing an EU flag. That'll get peoples attention. Of course, you may not leave the hall unscathed... Personally, I'm leaving politics outside the show. I can't be the only Brit sick of the whole subject.

  4. I can just see you in that Tiara, waltzing around between the smelly, backback boys!

  5. Don't forget to pop by the Bloggers meet up.

  6. Clearly a fedora with "press" typed out in large font on a slip of paper and put into the hat band is the way to go.

    Also, very jealous. Take lots of pictures.

  7. Maybe a battered fedora with a card marked "PRESS" tucked into the band.
