
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Nice Weekend

 No Gaming related activities this weekend.  There was some 1:1 scale modeling as I rebuilt 4 of our 8 garden boxes.  These boxes were first built in 2007 and are starting to fail due to a combination of weather and insect damage.  The ones along the north face of the garden just fell apart so I replaced them.  The fencing also needs to be replaced but that's a much bigger project and one I may hire some help for.
 This was a fun/easy to do project and perfect for working on the weekend I just returned for London.

Heres a picture of 2 of the four remaining original boxes where you can see how weathered the wood is.  They're all still functional but I suspect Mary Beth will make subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions to redo all of the boxes.  I'll need to wait until I redo the fences to provide easier access.

 Speaking of the garden - We've got our first Tomatoes!

My household is a Tomato crazy one, so getting the first ones on the vine is a big deal.  The garden has a total of 25 tomato plants of various types so we should be well stock this year.  There are also 5 other Tomato plants in pots on the deck.  One really can't have enough tomatoes.
With the summer now in full swing, we've pretty much relocated to the shore, which means the cats have moved house.  The younger one, Izzy, loves the St Michaels house and has picked this chair in the corner window as her favorite perch.

The other cat, Buddy, just hides under a bed upstairs as he doesn't accept change well - he comes out at night to serenade us.  In a month or so he'll be fine, assuming I don't shoot him.  I kid, I kid (mostly).
Izzy even tolerates (barely) me sitting in her chair in the early am as I have my coffee.  My apologies for including a picture of me, especially as it's one of those crass "selfies".  Let us all hope I use better judgment on picture taking in the future.  By the way, what do you think of my "New Wave" hair style?  I'm trying to update my look to be more modern in a late 70's "New Wave" way.  Sadly the tune 'Anarchy in the UK" seems to have a bit more relevance.

The handy-dandy Historicon Countdown timer from HMGS indicates it 43 days, 12 hours and 11 minutes plus a few seconds until Historicon.  I've got a fair bit to get done so better buckle down on that.  That means a interminable series of Historicon Prep Posts, which may be even worse than "selfies"

I'm very sorry, but you should know by now what you get from this blog.


  1. Grand scale modelling at its best!

  2. Don’t apologise some of us like the human interest side of things:) Excellent job on the veg beds - I wimped out and got my brother to build mine...

  3. Both my wife and I really enjoy working in the garden so it's a fun hobby for use to share and I benefit as her other hobby is cooking. Given all the wildlife in our area, we needed to fence the thing so I did go a little overboard but it makes the boss the happy. A happy Boss means more leeway on the miniature purchase front
