
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Double Blind Disposable Heroes at the Club

 Keith ran a fantastic game at the club using his Diposable Heroes II rules and a double blind movement system.  The scenario was set in 1939 Poland, I was the Poles and Greg and Josh the Germans.  We had very small forces and no knowledge of what the other side had.  Keith marked off the game board in 6 inch squares and Greg and I reported out movements to him.  Keith would determine when a unit could see something and then on the board it went.

I had a fantastic time playing the game and found the hidden movement Keith was using added a lot of tension to a rather small unit game.
The game came down to the last turn when Greg's machine gun section assaulted my pinned down section.  Greg and Josh beat me but I'd play this game again.  It was a blast.

My wife and I are dog sitting Otis and I brought the puff ball to the club as he's a very nice dog and is rather scarred of out cats.  At the stat of the game, when things were going my way, Otis was on my side of the table.  As Greg and Josh's attack gained momentum I noticed the little turncoat had moved over to the German side of the table.  Loyalty seems to be a flexible condition with this little dog.


  1. Obviously, since he has taken up a position with overhead cover, indications are that Otis is something of a veteran (that plus the steely look in his eye).

  2. Great looking game table Miles. Obviously Otis is a discriminating canine and identified the better side early on!

  3. Nice looking game and the hidden movement sounds fun, its something that is lacking from too many games.
