
Friday, August 2, 2019

Ice Cream with my Sweetie

Last night the Boss and I went out to dinner at a new place in Easton, MD.  We had great expectations which were dashed by an awful restaurant experiences ever.  I can say we should have bailed early on this place as the server did tip her hand for what lay ahead when she responded to one of MB's questions on how a dish was prepared with "I don't know, you just get what you get, OK?".  This line was delivered with that exasperated tone that to date I thought could only be delivered by a surly teen to their parents.  It was downhill from there.  Perhaps, the less said about this establishment the better.

But fear not, for across the street was Jo-Jo's Ice Cream & Cupcake Parlor and SWMBO lifted my personal ice cream embargo - a most rare and welcome occurrence.  We binged on ice cream and had a lovely evening.  Nights out that end with ice cream can never be bad.  Sadly, MB did remember to reinstate her embargo decry as we drove home later that evening.

Oh don't worry there will be some more miniature gaming related content this month, including a project to revamp my Jungle bases and maybe, just maybe build a multi layer Mayan pyramid for a convention game.


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