
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Busy Night at the Club

 A very busy night at the club with 3 games!  First up was a wonderful "Battle of Britain" Game put on by Ed where we all played against the germans.  Greg was the overall air commander and each player commanded a handful of squadrons

Greg assuming his seat in the control room to oversee the map.  Greg would call out commands and we would do our best to implement them
The map - each cube is either a British fighter squadron or on the far left 3 flights of German bombers.  It was a really fun and fast game.  How did it turn out?  Lets just say they were dancing in Dusseldorf at the conclusion of the game.
I put on a training game of Legion for Keith and Greg.  You can see the landing pad got into a game quickly.
We played about 600 points per side and the game literally went down to the last move/shot.  Greg was able to snatch a victory in what was a very close and blood affair.  Leia is a bad-ass ......
Finally,  Ed staged this stunning Vietnam game using micro armor.  He has an extensive collection of both minis and the GHQ hex terrain and it really is stunning to look at
Pretty damn impressive.

All in all a fun night at the club.