
Friday, January 3, 2020

AHPC X: Week 3 Update

We are now almost 3 weeks into the X'th version of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge so I thought I'd put out a short update on my progress.

As the incomprehensible graph shows, I'm very slightly ahead of plan (the bars) but a bit behind past years production (the lines).  As with all past Challenges the composition of what I'm actually painting bears little resemblance to what I thought I would be doing. 

One big thing that has changed is my original goal for this Challenge was to paint up all the figures I need to put on a game at Cold Wars this March.  It was a difficult but tough personal challenge.  Unfortunately some looming work issues may require more of my attention than usual and I was uncomfortable committing to a project where people might sign up to play only to turn around and bail on them because of work.  I still like the game concept and will delay it for Fall In later this year.

I still have a lot of painting to prep for Historicon so there's plenty to do!


  1. Excellent statistical wizardry Miles except that you can’t divide by 7. This is the 14th day of the Challenge (Dec 21-Jan 3), making it the end of the second week.

  2. At least you've completed some Miles! I'm getting a chance to get the brush out this weekend.

  3. I see you're currently at the top of the leader board... and once more, all is right with the world!
