
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge X is Over

 Well it's March 21st, which mean the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge X is over.  It was a grand affair and I'd like to again thank Curt and everyone else who participated.  I do think we should award Tamsin the Most Valuable Player (award) for her tireless minioning efforts.  Well done Tamsin. 

One of my traditional tasks the morning after the challenge is to clean my painting area - here a shot of my miniature painting bench all tidied up and
My terrain making bench - the terrain area was a disaster from the Jungle terrain project.  I do really enjoy terrain projects but they are very, very messy - well at least the way I do it.
Lastly, we need to give a final salute to some very tired pigment warriors - the brushes I used during the challenge.  They performed tireless work and never once complained about being wielded by an inept painter such as myself.  Their stoicism in the face of adversity should inspire us all as we face the rigors of social distancing and quarantining to protect our families and communities.

With their service as miniature paint brushes concluded, each one of these stalwarts can look forward to a happy retirement frolicking across my terrain bench while making terrain.  If only all of us could hope for similar retirements.

Adieu mon amis, your services will never be forgotten.


  1. Awesome stuff mate - really enjoyed it with you as always despite our myriad of IRL challenges.
    Our combined naval entry was a real highlight for me

    best wishes,

  2. Best of luck to the brushes! They are luck to look forward to retirement on your terrain. They would be awfully bored waiting on my terrain work. :)
