
Monday, March 9, 2020

Sky Galleons on Mars

 On Saturday, Bob G ran a rather silly but really fun game set in a sciFi Mars but with a colonial theme.  The best way to describe the game was flying sailing ships and ironclads.  It was a blast.  Tony and I command the British and were pitted against 3 Martian ships.
It  was a full 3D experience as bob used used plexiglass rods to indicate altitude.  It was a grand game and super creative.

Sadly about 1.5 hours into the game, I received a notification of an emergency board call for an institution that is dealing with some aspects of the Coronavirus.  I turned over my ship to a player whose floating barge Tony and I ganged up on and left the game.  That was a real shame as Bob puts on a great show.  Thanks Bob!

The call ended up lasting 2.5 hours and we ended with more questions than answers but it was the right decision to convene the board.  I try not to get political on this blog (it's just toy soldiers, after all) but I can say the lack of any coherent guidance from the Federal government is shocking.  The state of Pennsylvania's health department was competent and more importantly they were clear on what they knew and didn't know.  The Feds are a dissembling mess, which seems to emanate from the orange moron at the top. 


  1. Looks like a great game. Shame about the call interrupting your game. And yes - the impression we get on this side of the pond is that the guy at the top has no clue about what to do.

  2. It is always nice to start the week with a laugh which you made me do. As you know I am an Emergency Physician and the situation for us is like waiting for a tsunami to strike but with no ability to do anything about it. The Chinese are now producing 1.6m covid-19 tests a week, no one can even tell us when or even if we will have any!

  3. I ran the largest bank in Louisiana during Katrina and the the current federal response makes 2005 FEMA look like disaster management geniuses

  4. (1) That game looks amazing. I’m working my way toward a sky galleons of Mars type,game, too, and would love to compare notes with your pal sometime.

    (2) Yes, Trump is criminally incompetent. This isn’t the first time nor will it be the last.

    (3) Did you live in Louisiana? My wife is from New Orleans, and I absolutely love that city.

    Stay healthy, friend. We missed you at Scrum Con. Hope you got to see some photos on my blog.
