
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Historicon 2020 is Cancelled

HMGS recently announced via an email to the membership that their flagship event, Historicon, has been cancelled given all of the issues associated with COVID-19.  Historicon is, traditionally, the highlight of my gaming year and an event I really look forward to.  Readers of this blog are normally bombarded with Historicon prep posts at this time of year as I frantically get ready to put on a game. 

To be honest, I'm a bit relieved that the HMGS board made the decision to cancel the con.  I had made a personal decision to skip this years event out of health concerns voiced by my wife - who is a Dr and is pitching in to treat COVID patients.  That said, I was also wavering on my decision as I really enjoy the convention and putting on games.  It's my only chance in life to pretend I'm a ringmaster in a three ring circus.  I want to thank the HMGS board for making the right decision and canceling the event and preventing me from flip flopping.  How ironic would have been for my my wife to treat me for covid that I got at HCON only so she could kill me later for being so stupid?

I've actually been very impressed with the board in terms of how they've handled the situation.  I've often been very critical about the board in the past but I think they're doing a good job in very difficult times.  Let's face it, if a police sketch artist was drawing up a picture of a likely victim of COVID-19 it would pretty much look like the average attendee of a historical miniature gaming convention.

There are lively debates on facebook about the wisdom of canceling the event and, I even went back to TMP to see what's up there - after donning PPE to protect me from the slime.  I think it's a universal rule that wargamers have extreme views along all ideological bents and that was in full display on the web.  What has surprised and disappointed me is the vitriol some people have in questioning the courage/intelligence of individuals who are choosing caution over playing with toy soldiers.  Thats just not necessary - make your own decision but don't denigrate others who live in different circumstance.

All I can say is my wife's experience treating these patients with the virus has been harrowing and the social distancing has saved lives that would have been lost in March and April with hospitals being overrun even more so than they were.  If you've failed in life to the degree you seek solace in conspiracy theories, well that's on you.  Pro-tip - looking to blame others for your problems only ensures you keep wallowing in your on form of self pity.

I was planning to do a large Napoleonic campaign game at this year's Historicon.  With that now cancelled, I'm thinking about changing up and doing a Russo-Japanese War themed campaign - both land and sea.  I've jumped into to the R-J was in 6mm in a very big way and there are rumors floating about that someone at my address may have ordered and received a miniature of every ship from both the Russian and Japanese fleets in 1/2400 scale from War Times Journal.  Of course these are only rumors that can NEVER be confirmed in any way whatsoever to my lovely yet fierce wife.  Capice?


  1. Very well put Miles.
    It's a shame but a necessity. This may be my last year living in the US and there are a few "this is our last chance to...." moments but I'd rather be cautious than dead.

  2. Cancelling events is no fun if you're an organiser. I was involved in an event in our small town that was due to be held in mid April. As organisers, we'd decided privately to cancel it over a month before, but also decided not to make any announcements or spread the word until we'd worked through a process with the other organisational stakeholders in the event (who were all gung-ho initially). Once they were all on board the announcement was made immediately. In the intervening period we had to wear a lot of flak for not cancelling. Once we had, we wore flak for cancelling. Eventually government fiat would have robbed us of the option in any event. Of course, everyone denies their bad behaviour now, lost in the sands of time. Hopefully we'll be up and running next year. Hopefully historicon will be also. I have enjoyed hearing of it from afar for a very long time.

  3. Event organizers really can't win. Too many people dump their anger on the situation on those who dare to follow the recommendations for safety. I guess that is easier than taking control and responsibility for your own actions.

  4. The only sensible decision really, anything else would not have been responsible in my opinion
