
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Announcing LWTV "Caesar Awards"


We have a new project on the LWTV channel - The Caesar Awards - which are meant to celebrate excellence in wargaming video and other online content.  There are 10 categories of media type which you, the great unwashed public, can make nominations to by going to our web page CAESARS AWARDS.

Categories include Favorite Wargaming Youtube Channel, Best Painting Tutorial Video, Best Wargame Podcast and even Best Wargaming Blog.  The only rule for nominations is that content from the LWTV channel can not be nominated as it would be a little unseemly to create an awards show just to give yourself an award.

Did I mention there is a "Best Wargaming Blog" category?

Anyway,  Please take some time to nominate your favorite content creators.  People put a lot of work into this hobby and there are some really very well produced videos and other online content out their - even humble personal blogs about geeks in their lairs pursuing the hobby at their own personal uber level of effort.

I think I mentioned there was a category for Best Wargaming Blog.  Yeah I'm sure I did.

OK, unsightly groveling for blog nominations aside, please take some time to nominate your favorite content creators - who knows - maybe they'll win one of the coveted Caesar Awards?

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