
Sunday, December 27, 2020

Republican Roman Army with Italian and Spanish Allies (Challenge Submissions 1 & 2)


My first two submissions for Challenge XI consisted of a 6mm scale Republican Roman army along with some support troops from Spain and Italy.  The figures are all from the Baccus 6mm line and were a joy to paint.  

These chaps netted me 610 points and consist of 150 mounted figures and 920 infantry of various types.  The troops are based on 40mm square bases which is the standard used for "Age of Hannibal" at the club.  These rules were written by a club member and are a very nice fast play set of rules that allow player to recreate entire battles and finish them in an evening.  They're a lot of fun and I enjoy playing them a lot.

On the left side are the Spanish troops:
- 4 Bases of Scutarii medium infantry with 24 figures per base)
- 6 bases of Caetratii light infantry with 8 figures per base
- 9 bases of Spanish light cavalry with 5 figures per base

15 Mounted Roman generals.  The different sized command bases denotes rank with the larger the base, the higher the rank

The heart of any Roman army - heavy infantry.  8 bases of Hastati, 8 bases of Principes and 2 bases of Triarii, all with 24 figures.  In the back are 6 bases of Balearic slingers and 2 bases of scorpions for a little fire support

On the right side are some Italian allies - generic hoplite infantry in the front. Italian medium cavalry.  In the rear are 12 bases of Roman Velites.

The final group are 4 bases of Samnite infantry.

I'm planning to also use the Spanish and Italian troops as Gauls and maybe even Germans if the need arose.  We don't have a full Gualic at the club but could probably cobble together a respectable force with pieces from peoples various collections.  

As you've seen in a previous post, next up on the "Ancients Hit Parade" are some Parthians.  Depending on how hard Mr Berry cracks the whip at the Baccus Casting Furnace, there will also a medium sized Dacian force (with Sarmatians!) and a relatively large Successor Army (cause who doesn't want to paint Ellies?).


  1. How do you paint so fast? 610 painting points is a very good MONTH of production for me.

  2. Superb mate, just awesome.

    I have a friend trying to convince me that we should do 10mm Ancients with double sizes bases to get a good massed effect. You arent helping!

  3. Incredible production- you are a machine!

  4. Wow very scary level of productivity 👍

  5. I'm glad I'm not doing any 6mm this year because your productivity (and quality) put all to shame.

  6. Wow, this is an impressive output in such a short time frame. Wonderfully executed.
