
Thursday, March 4, 2021

'O' Group: New Rules from TooFatLardies


TooFatLardies and Dave Brown have a new set of company level WW2 rules coming out called 'O' Group.  I'm a big fan of Mr Bowns' General D'Armee and am very excited to give these rules a go.

So excited I've ordered a set and have been reading my PDF copy.

The scale if 1"=25 yards, which is the same scale used for the Stalingrad table


You can find these rules at the Lardies website here


  1. The rules and the videos I've watched on Lard TV look very promising. Hoping to give them a try soon.
    The interview w David Brown in the last Lard Special was interesting when he said that he was tired of games trying to decide which tank armament he was going to shoot in a game with large numbers of troops. Says it all, really.

  2. Hi Miles- I got my hands on O Group the other day. They are very interesting and I'm looking forward to getting them on the table.

    Your WW2 rules that you are working on - will you me making those available to your fans? I'm intrigued by your epic stalingrad project! I love rules where a stand = 1 squad/section.

  3. I just tested my rules last night at the club. I do plan on eventually publishing them in a PDF format. They still require a lot of work but the first playtest went extremely well. I was also very gratifying to finally see the Stalingrad terrain (at least a portion of it) get used and enjoyed by my club members
