
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Hobby Space Reorg - Phase II


The Painting desk clean up is complete.  I added some paint racks that I got from Gamecraft Miniatures to organize my paints and try to keep them off the work space.  We'll see how long that lasts.

I also purchased a large small parts bin to organize my collection of basses.  I think its safe to say that I'm long bases.  During the clean up a large number of bases where discovered (re-discovered?) so my inventory of bases if rather large.  Those very nice people at Litko should be very happy with me.  I. ummm, have a lot of bases to work through.  Some people have a lead mountain, I've got a wood one.

Next up will be organizing the workshop area I use for terrain making and storage.  If my painting desk was described as a "disaster" the only word for this space is catastrophe! 


  1. Ahhh, the organised chaos on display in the last picture reminds me of my father's workspaces! :)

  2. Painting area looks great….even for me the terrain area might benefit from some work 😀

  3. Not a catastrophe at all- it's creativity in progress.

  4. You can never have enough bases Miles!

  5. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who has 'organised chaos' to deal with - just wish I had some space to get organised into! Great work desk Miles and yes, very well organised!

