
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Architects of War

As I mentioned in my earlier post, one of my gaming buddies, Ernie and his wife Barb, have decided to go into the gaming business under the name "Architects of War".  His company will be making it's public debut at the Salute show in the UK later this month and at Historicon in the US.  Architects of War will be manufacturing 28mm scenery products.  I've has the opportunity to see some of his stuff and it's fantastic.  The initial product run includes a series of large (8 or so inches long) fortification sections (as pictured) and a whole host of smaller detail items like wells, campfires, road-signs and even a top notch pig-sty!

The fortification sections come in straights, angles and such and even have an piece that's "under construction".  I'm the product line will expand as their business grows.  Ernie and Barb have a very deep knowledge of the product and market as they used to run a business called Barb's Bunker a few years ago.

Now here's where you come in - Ernie's looking for some customer feedback (positive and constructive) and, I suspect, he'd also like to hear about some suggestions for new products.  Please take a few minutes to wander over to the Architects of War blog and see what he's up to.  It's a pretty daunting exercise to start a new business in today's climate so any potential customer feedback can be both very helpful and encouraging.


  1. Hi Miles - I really like the look of your friends stuff. Be interested in the pricing and whether or not the postage out to this side of the world would make it viable. I know of a few wargaming supply businesses in Aust/NZ that might be prepared to stock it or act as agents for it if the numbers are crunchable!

    Painted up it really looks great - I could make it myself but haven't the time really so quality pieces like this - for the right price etc - should fill a niche market. Here's hoping anyway.


  2. Hello Doc:
    I'm not sure of Ernie's marketing plan for Aus/NZ, but I do think he'll go wherever there's a market. I do know that he'll be selling in the UK via a relationship with Warlord Games.

    The quality of his stuff is really great and it's been fun to watch this business concept develop from a thought to it's first fledgling steps.

    The fortification set is a sight to behold - I've already made an order for the first one and I don't know the price!
